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Revered Sacred Chants of Old Hawaii |
Recorded 1930s-1950s these legendary chanters’ voices embody the lifelines that connect serious hula students and their audiences to the Hawaiian cultural lineages of their teachers stretching back into antiquity.
Includes the only commercial recording of famed chanter and teacher Samuel Pua Ha'aheo. Additional master chanters include: Charles Kahiwahiwa Cash, Aana Cash, Lokalia Montgomery, 'Iolani Luahine, George Nā'ope, Joe Kahaulelio, Pele Pukui, and Ka'upena Wong.
Produced by respected award-winning ethnomusicology scholar Dr. Amy Ku'uleialoha Stillman. Includes 20 chant recordings in the ancient hula style, plus a 24-page booklet with rare photos, Hawaiian language chant lyrics & translations, and an extensive history of the chants
and the chanters.
Five Stars. For real-deal Hawaiian authenticity, this collection of traditional Hula chants is pretty hardcore...
It gathers rare recordings... and they are pure, unfiltered Hawaiian mele hula vocals, with minimal percussion and no extra ornamentations or European influences. The bulk of the material was recorded by two artists...along with a handful of other artists, all of whom exude authenticity and cultural purity. This probably won't work as casual, recreational listening for many people, but serious students of hula and Polynesian culture will be stunned. The album comes with a thick, well-written booklet, detailing each song and profiling the chanters, as well as giving a concise explanation of the role and meaning of the music. Highly recommended! |
DJ Joe Sixpack, Slipcue Guide To World Music |
"Stillman and executive producer Michael Cord have done a superb job. With 22 pages of Hawaiian lyrics, English translations and background information, this is a perfect introduction to pure traditionalist
Hawaiian music. |
There is nothing better than hearing the authentic voices of our treasured hula elders. It's one thing to read about Auntie Lokalia Montgomery and her stern ways or see photos of Auntie 'Iolani Luahine dancing, but to hear their actual voices sharing the sacred chants of old is priceless. It really takes your breath away.
John Berger, Honolulu Star Advertiser |
Maile Loo-Ching, Executive Director
Hula Preservation Society
For Stillman, putting together an album of what are essentially the greatest hits of ancient hula was a priceless project, and one she hopes will provide today's hula students with new insights into these ancient mele.
Jenny Quill, Honolulu Magazine |
Sam Pua Ha'aheo is universally recognized for his deep resonating chanting style and his mastery of the pahu and puniu.
Jessie Kalawe, great-grandchild of Sam Pua Ha'aheo, |
George Na'ope founded the Merrie Monarch Festival, the most famous annual week-long festival of traditional Hawaiian arts, crafts, and performances featuring a three-day hula competition. He was considered an expert in traditional chants, the oral history of the South Pacific islanders who settled Hawaii. George Na'ope received numerous lifetime awards, including being named "Treasure of Hawaii" by President George W. Bush and the Smithsonian Institution, and receiving a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts recognizing lifetime achievement, artistic excellence, and contributions to our nation's traditional arts heritage. Maryann Cord, CEO Cord International Media Group
"James Ka'upena Wong is undisputedly the most renowned chanter of his generation. His mastery spans all five major styles of oli, as well as the traditional instruments. He was the first instructor to teach Hawaiian chant at the University of Hawai'i - the first representation of Hawaiian culture in higher education in the state. In 2005 he was honored by the National Endowment for the Arts with a National Heritage Fellowship recognizing lifetime achievement, artistic excellence, and contributions to our nation's traditional arts heritage .
Dr. Amy K. Stillman, Award-Winning Ethnomusicology Scholar & Music Producer

HOCD2010 Ancient Hula Hawaiian Style Volume I: Hula Kauhu

George Na'ope 2006 ~ James Kaupena Wong 2005
George Na'ope 2006 ~ James Kaupena Wong 2005